The modern coat of arms of Reca (based on the ancient coat of arms and displaying the typical heraldic attribute of a village with a sizeable noble community - an armoured arm holding a Hungarian sabre
Here is a list of all the families, recorded in Reca in the 18th and 19th centuries as either i) being nobles and living in Reca, or ii) being noble co-owners (composessor nobilis) of Reca itself. About 20% of the village was noble. Reca was an ancient centre of Hungarian nobility: it was a vassal village of Bratislava Castle, and from as early as the 14th century its inhabitants enjoyed all the privileges of nobility (Borovszky: Magyarorszag varmegyei es varosai). The most memorable (and commendable, according to opinion) communal act of the Reca nobles was when they voluntarily formed an entire regiment of Hussars to serve Prince Francis II Rakoczi in the early 18th century in his efforts to depose the Habsburg dynasty. The regiment was led by one of their own, George of Reca (Rethey).
The estate of Reca itself, which as with many Csallokoz villages comprised large tracts of superb arable land (the most productive in all of ancient Hungary) was held as a compossessorat, an old Hungarian trust concept. The estate was owned jointly by the noble families who were recorded as being compossessors. This trust, administered by elected members from the beneficiaries, and instituted in the middle ages, was in place until the 20th century. In the summer and autumn months many seasonal workers would appear from the north to work the harvest.
Branyik (de Felso-Szeli)
Ennobled 17th century. The grantee of nobility in 1635, George Branyik, was the registrar of the Royal Hungarian Chancellery. His private library included a very rare 1491 incunabula of the Bible, now in the Bratislava University Library. Family owned estates in adjacent Felsoszeli and Kosuty.
Ennobled 17th century, confirmed 18th century. Owned a number of estates in the County. Two members viscounts of Bratislava County (Pozsony Varmegye).
Ennobled 16th century. Nobility confirmed in 18th century. One member distinguished Budapest lawyer in 19th C, several members officers of the K.u.K army. Urbanus Fadgyas de Rethe was a legate in the 1825 Hungarian Diet in Bratislava.
Ennobled 18th century.Horvath (Rarovichi)
Croatian exiles. Nobility confirmed in 17th century.
Ennobled 17th century.
Ennobled 17th century.
Ancient family, noble since at least the 13th century. From Hodoss (Vydrany), and kin of the Hodossy de Hodoss. Karl Karatsonyi de Hodos retired in 1859 as Major in the 34th Austro-Hungarian infantry regiment, the "Prince Regent of Prussia". In the 1920s and 30s, hodosi Karacsony Sandor was Royal Chief Forestry Advisor of Hungary. More recently, Hanna Karatsony von Hodos married Andreas Meyer-Landruth, the international diplomat during the Cold War. Their grandchild, Lena Meyer-Landruth, won the Eurovision song contest in 2010.Karacsonyi
Klebercz (Kelepcsics)
Nobility confirmed 17th century. Petrus Klebertz-Kelepcsics was the steward of Count Ladislaus Esterhazy (second head of House of Esterhazy and Hero of Vezekeny). Descends from the Elephanthy, of the Ludany kindred, of genus Hont-Pazmany.
Neszmery (of Magyar Bel)
Nogell (Nogl, Nogli, Nagel)
Nobility presumed since 18th century. Ignac Rajczy of Reca was a honved during the 1848 uprisings, and was blinded in the left eye.
Nobility presumed since 18th century. Ignac Rajczy of Reca was a honved during the 1848 uprisings, and was blinded in the left eye.
Ancient family of Reca.
Szullo (of Borsa)
Zamolyi (of Zamoly)
Národný Archív Bratislava, cirkevné matriky, okres Senec, obec (fara) Boldog.